Best Top Tips on Programmatic Advertising

How to Use Programmatic Advertising to Grow a Brand?

Learn what programmatic advertising is and how it can benefit your brand. It uses automated processes to purchase ad inventory on behalf of advertisers.

With programmatic buying, CompaiPA uses data to target specific audiences and initiate real-time adjustments making it more effective and efficient than traditional methods of buying ad space.

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Key Elements of Programmatic Advertising

Automated processes is streamlined to purchase ad inventory efficiently on behalf of advertisers.

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Programmatic advertising relies on data to target ads effectively. Use data to target ads to specific audiences and to track the performance.

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Programmatic advertising is flexible, and used to buy ad space on a variety of different platforms to reach the target audiences.

Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem! Contact us now for your next project.

The ecosystem is made up of six main players:

Advertiser & Publisher

* The Advertisers that want to buy ad space on websites, apps, and other platforms * The Publishers are the website, app, and other platform owners that sell ad space to advertisers.

Demand-Side-Platform (DSPs) & Supply-Side-Platform (SSPs)

* Demand-side platforms (DSPs) are the software platforms that advertisers use to buy ad space. CompaiPA has its own software to buy ad space for advertisers. * Supply-side platforms (SSPs) are the software platforms that publishers use to sell ad space.

Data Management Platform (DMP) & Ad Exchange

* Data management platform (DMP) provides the advertisers with user-data assembled in one location. The advertisers use the data to create audience segments for ad targeting. * Ad exchanges are the marketplace where DSPs and SSPs come together to buy and sell ad space in real-time.

What Are the Benefits of Programmatic Advertising? There are a number of benefits including:

Increased Efficiency

Programmatic advertising is more efficient than traditional methods of buying ad space.

Improved Effectiveness

Programmatic advertising is more effective than traditional methods of buying ad space.

Increased Transpanrency

Programmatic advertising provides increased transparency in the process of buying and selling ad space.

Improved Accountability

Programmatic advertising provides improved accountability for advertising spend.