Comply! APCON – Vetting of Advertisements
Vetting of Advertisements
Vetting of advertisements is the process of submitting advertisement materials for a formal and thorough examination by the Advertising Standards Panel (ASP) prior to the granting of approval or clearance for such materials to be publicized, aired, or printed.

- All advertisements shall be legal, decent, honest, truthful, respectful, and mindful of Nigeria’s culture.
- They should be prepared with a high sense of social responsibility and should avoid misinformation.
- All advertisements should conform to the principles of fair competition generally accepted in business, and of fair comments expected in free human communication.
- The aim is to enhance public confidence in advertising and should always be in the interest of the consumer and wider society.
The vetting guidelines apply to:
- All individuals registered as Advertising Practitioners
- All organizations, corporate bodies, and individuals which/who use advertising services
All advertisements and sales promotions require pre-exposure vetting before publication/screening. Turn-around time for obtaining approval is 8 hours, 16 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 2 weeks respectively (conditions apply). It is a sanctionable offense to cause to be aired or published in the print, advertisements which have not been approved by the ASP.
Please contact, call 01- 773 3308 or visit any of our APCON offices to speak to a representative and get the required forms.
A corporate social responsibility campaign to ensure all advertisements comply with the APCON guidelines.